Each package comes with 2 gloves ( RIGHT hand x 2)
p>Fur Off gloves were created for pet lovers all over the world who shares their lovely home with furry friends. Our furry friends have a habit of covering our sofas, blankets, beds, carpets, clothes, inside of cars with their fur and dander. Fur off helps remove these fur, dander and even dust from surfaces like these and even the in-between spots! Fur off has a special lacquer coating that helps gather the fur, dander, and dust together by moving in a circular motion. This coating pulls the particles together into a tight knit ball form where its easily picked up and tossed into the garage. Even on the sides of the finger of the gloves have this special lacquer coated to help with the hard to reach in-between spots like sides of the car, sides of the beds, and sides of the sofas.
Fur Off is easy to put on and easy to use. You can reuse these gloves up to 12 months. It comes in a pair, two right hands. Can be machine washed or hand washed, but must be air dried.
How to Use
How to Wash
讓您毫不費力地從家具,服裝和難以達到的裂縫和毛皮地, 用你的手, 一個簡單的輕鬆刷除動作, 既可輕鬆除去寵物毛髮! 其有如磁性般的神奇效果. 輕鬆拉起寵物的毛髮,因此過去會折騰你的寵物毛髮問題, 將不再是惡夢。
另外,Furr Off 寵物除毛手套是可水洗的,也可以重覆長期使用。清洗後只需將其放置在空曠處,讓它自然風乾既可。可重覆使用高達12個月。
Each package comes with 2 gloves ( RIGHT hand x 2)
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