Adaptil Spray helps make travel and visits to the vet or to the groomer less stressful. It is a convenient formulation for intermittent use, especially when on the go!
Adaptil Spray can be sprayed directly on:
- your dog’s bedding
- inside crates
- indoor kennels
- in the car.
How to use Adaptil Spray?
- Shake the bottle
- Spray 8 to 10 pumps of Adaptil 15 minutes prior to expected effects and before the dog is introduced into the sprayed environment (car, carrier, kennel etc…).
- Effects should last approximately 4-5 hours, although each animal will respond differently.
- Reapply after this time or if you notice a reduced effect.
- ADAPTIL® Spray can be applied directly on bedding, inside crates, indoor kennels , or in the car, but be sure to apply without the dog in the area to be sprayed (particularly inside the carrier or crate) and allow enough time (15 min) for alcohol evaporation.
- Adaptil Spray should not be directly sprayed on animals or near an animal’s face.
適應一個新的環境或應對一個臨時的挑戰是大多數狗潛在的壓力。某一些狗,輕度的恐懼和憂慮,可以發展成恐懼症或壓力有關的問題。在初生小狗(3-16週): 母狗或缺乏照顧小狗的經驗,應特別注意小狗可能使母狗們更容易患上與壓力相關的行為問題(噪音恐懼症,分離相關的疾病等)。
- 車廂內, 寵物籠子,寵物床上
- 外出遊玩
- 具有挑戰性的情況下(新收養,搬家,新的家庭成員或寵物,運輸的航空箱,獨自留在家中,煙花或雷雨等巨響)
每次按8-10 下, Adaptil噴霧可維持4至5小時.
Product Size:
60 ML ( about 50uses)