Individual requirements may vary depending on pre-existing nutritional status and medical condition. In patients where normal G.I. function has been compromised by anorexia, a three-day transitional feeding strategy may be necessary.
Day One: 1/3 of daily caloric intake with 2/3 water dilution
Day Two: 2/3 of daily caloric intake with 1/3 water dilution
Day Three: Entire daily caloric intake
Select a feeding schedule based on the following patient criteria:
Schedule 1: Cage Rest
Schedule 2: Surgery, Sepsis, Cancer, Trauma, Fever, Feline Hepatic Lipidosis
Schedule 3: Severe Burn, Injury or Head Trauma
•The following daily intakes are intended as a guide and should be adjusted as needed to achieve or maintain optimum body weight.
•Divide into three to six equal daily feedings to minimize gastrointestinal side effects. (1 can = 150 ml.)