NAS - Ear Clear 50 mL
Free from detergents, irritating chemicals, and sticky oils, and can be used to maintain your pet’s general ear health. Suitable for both dogs and cats of all ages.
Free from detergents, irritating chemicals, and sticky oils, and can be used to maintain your pet’s general ear health. Suitable for both dogs and cats of all ages.
Our pets’ ears need regular maintenance to ensure they are clean and clear. When wax is allowed to build up in the ear, dirt can then adhere itself to the waxy surface. A weekly dose of Ear Clear will remove debris, wax and odours without causing irritation or discomfort.
Ear Clear is free from detergents, irritating chemicals and sticky oils and can be used to maintain your pet’s general ear health. It also comes with a handy dropper making it easy to use. Suitable for dogs, cats and small animals of all ages.
Key Benefits
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我們寵物的耳朵需要定期保養,以確保它們乾淨清潔 。當耳垢積聚在耳中時,污垢就會附著在蠟質表面上。每週一劑溫和蘆薈洗耳水可去除碎屑、耳垢和異味,而不會引起刺激或不適。
Aluminium acetate solution, Aloe vera, Witch hazel, Boric acid, Lavender oil
天然醋酸鋁, 蘆薈, 金縷梅, 硼酸, 薰衣草油
Shake the bottle well before use. Recommended dosage can be used daily or weekly up to 2 times per day as required
Dosage size: 3 drops x 2 daily
Small dogs:
1/2 dropper x 2 daily
Medium – large dogs:
Full dropper x 2 daily
*使用前請搖勻瓶子,推薦劑量可根據需要每天或每週使用,最多 2 次。
小型犬:1/2 支滴管,每天兩次
中或大型犬:1 支完整滴管,每天兩次
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