The Adaptil Diffuser is a discrete plug-in which bathes the home in a synthetic copy of the ‘canine appeasing pheromone’, a natural product proven to comfort both puppies and adult dogs. Diffuser is great for:
- settling new puppies in the home
- calming more than one dog in the home
- during fireworks
How to use Adaptil Diffuser?
- Releasing the comforting pheromones into the local enivonment.
- The diffuser covers an area of 50-70m2 with each vial lasting up to 4 weeks.
- The diffuser should be plugged into the room where the dog spends most of its time.
- Adaptil Refills can be purchased and replaced as required, upto 5 refills may be used before replacing the Diffuser unit.
適應一個新的環境或應對一個臨時的挑戰是大多數狗潛在的壓力。某一些狗,輕度的恐懼和憂慮,可以發展成恐懼症或壓力有關的問題。在初生小狗(3-16週): 母狗或缺乏照顧小狗的經驗,應特別注意小狗可能使母狗們更容易患上與壓力相關的行為問題(噪音恐懼症,分離相關的疾病等)。