Seresto® is different from conventional flea and tick collars. It employs a novel blend of materials, enabling a safe, controlled, low dose release of active ingredients over 8 months. This provides excellent protection for your dog, not only killing fleas and ticks but also repelling ticks before they bite – which helps to protect your pet from the diseases these parasites can spread.
Seresto® now offers an easy solution to this problem by offering up to 8 months of protection with a single application. It’s a simple way to ensure you’re doing the right thing for your dog, while helping you keep fleas and ticks successfully under control.
a) Kills adult fleas and protects the dog’s immediate surroundings against flea larvae development for 8 months.
b) Effective against larvae, nymphs and adult ticks.
How to apply
1. Remove Seresto® from the laminated bag inside the tin and unroll the collar
2. Make sure you remove any plastic remnants left from the production process of the collar
3. After putting around dog’s neck, push one end of the collar through the loop
4. Tighten until two fingers fit between the collar and the dog’s neck
5. Take care not to attach the collar too loosely, as it may be pulled over the dog’s head
6. When optimal fit is reached, excess collar length beyond 2cm should be cut off.
有別於傳統的跳蚤和壁蝨項圈。Seresto® 採用了一種新型材料混合物,可在 8 個月內安全、可控、低劑量地釋放活性成分。為您的狗提供了極佳的保護,不僅可以殺滅跳蚤和蜱蟲,還可以在蜱蟲叮咬之前驅除它們—這有助於保護您的寵物免受這些寄生蟲傳播的疾病的侵害。
Seresto® 現在提供了一個簡單的解決方案,只需應用一次即可提供長達 8 個月的防護。既簡單又可以確保您為您的狗提供保護,成功控制及殺滅跳蚤和蜱蟲。
a) 殺滅成年跳蚤並保護狗狗,避免跳蚤幼蟲繁殖。
b) 對幼蟲、若蟲和成蟲有效。
- 把Seresto犬隻殺蚤除牛蜱頸圈從鐵罐中取出
- 在頸圈上有機會有些在生產時留下的小膠粒,並把牠們移取
- 把頸圈放在狗狗的頸上量度,然後把頸圈扣上
- 擰緊至兩個手指在項圈和狗的脖子之間
- 注意,如頸帶太鬆,狗隻或可能會把它脫掉
- 當完成佩戴頸圈後,如頸帶過長,請在頸帶末端預習2厘米,而其餘的可安剪掉
Product Size:
Small Dog & Cat Collar (<8kg)
Large Dog Collar (>8kg)