- contains all vital nutrients, vitamins and trace elements
- natural colour intensifiers (carotenoids) bring out the red, yellow and orange colour pigments to the full
- good acceptance and high digestibility of the sticks lead to low water contamination
- The high-quality resealable plastic bag protects the food from harmful effects such as sunlight, air and dampness. This means vital substances are protected and the food is kept fresh, making sure your fish get the best possible nutrition
- 含有所有必需的營養物質、維他命和微量元素
- 天然增色劑(優質類胡蘿蔔素)可使紅、黃和橙色色素更加明顯,從而完全煥發出錦鯉的光彩
- 飼料棒的高接受度以及高消化率可降低水體污染並改善水質 魚糧
- 優質的可重複使用的密封塑料袋保護飼料免受陽光、空氣和潮濕的損害。這意味著重要成分受到保護,且飼料可保持新鮮,確保您的魚兒得到最佳營養
Product Size:
Package Size - 650g/4L